Class 7 Project 08/28/10: Just finished thumbnails for the entire short! That really helped me work out some minor kinks... This'll help a lot for the story meeting! 08/23/10: Co-Director Aidan Martin and I have agreed on a story outline we both like! Will be scheduling that polishing short meeting VERY SOON!! 08/17/10: Class is BACK IN SESSION! A few refinements need to be made on the newest pitch, and then an in depth, polishing story meeting (hopefully in the next week or two)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

AM Short Concept: Opportunity Locked

Initially the character I was thinking of for the Mother was very much "Mrs Incredible".
Then I found this image (below) on from an awesome artist whose work I love.

I can't find my sketches I did with the stewardess as inspiration.
But here are some early modeling stages.

To start with I liked the no nose idea and I was going to keep her eyes small and black.
I experimented with bigger eyes but I thought it looked to much like Bishop which is what I was trying to shy away from.

In the end I found a compromise I'm reasonably happy with (and I just plain ran out of time)


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